small places pastors conference
A conference to encourage & equip pastors and their wives who minister in “small places.”
Cool Community Church
863 Cave Valley Road
Cool, CA (a very small place)
January 10, 2024
$40 Before December 1
$45 before January 1
$50 after January 1
You can register for our 2024 conference here.
Cool Community Church
863 Cave Valley Road
Cool, CA (a very small place)
January 10, 2024
$40 Before December 1
$45 before January 1
$50 after January 1
You can register for our 2024 conference here.
08:00am - Breakfast
09:00am - Plenary Session 1
11:00am -Break Out Sessions
12:30pm -Lunch
01:30pm - Breakout Seminars
03:00pm -Breakout Seminars
04:30pm -Plenary Session 2
05:30pm -Dinner
08:00am - Breakfast
09:00am - Plenary Session 1
- When Trouble Comes (Dr. Drew Buell)
11:00am -Break Out Sessions
- Membership & Church Discipline in Small Places (Dave Witt)
- Dealing with Difficult People in Small Places (Tony Arnds)
- Pastor's Wives Track
- Life in the Fishbowl - Navigating the Highs & lows of Family Life in the Ministry (Tawny Arnds)
12:30pm -Lunch
01:30pm - Breakout Seminars
- Making Every Dollar Count - A Practical Approach to Church Finances (Dr. Drew Buell)
- Music Ministry in Small Places (Rob Odum, Corey Milican, Charles Brown)
- Pastor's Wives Track
- "Who Do You Think You Are?" - Finding Your Full Identity in Christ (Ginny Anthes)
03:00pm -Breakout Seminars
- Radical Candor & Church Management in Small Places (Drew Buell)
- Discipleship Round Table (Phil Layton)
- Pastor's Wives Track -
- What if I don't play the piano? - Finding Your Place in the Local Church (Susie Witt)
04:30pm -Plenary Session 2
- Heaven (Greg Stover)
05:30pm -Dinner
2023 Conference Audio
- The Joy of Knowing God in Small Places (Drew)
- The Supremacy of Love in Small Places (Phil)
- Embracing Your Identity in Small Places (Stuart)
- Living a Life of Hope in Small Places (Jon)
- The Importance of Fellowship for the Pastor's Soul (Paul)
- The Glory of Christ in Church Planting (Jason)
Sponsored & Organized by the Sierra Shepherds' Fellowship
The Sierra Shepherds' Fellowship is a small gathering of like-minded pastors who minister in the foothills of northern California.
We are an associate ministry of The Master's Fellowship and the Coalition of Christ Exalting Churches.
You can find more information about the Sierra Shepherds' Fellowship here.
The Sierra Shepherds' Fellowship is a small gathering of like-minded pastors who minister in the foothills of northern California.
We are an associate ministry of The Master's Fellowship and the Coalition of Christ Exalting Churches.
You can find more information about the Sierra Shepherds' Fellowship here.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
1) Who may attend the Small Places Pastors Conference?
2) What is included in the registration fee?
3) What kind of accommodations are available in the area?
4) Why host a conference on a Wednesday?
5) Why is the Small Places Pastors Conference website a part of the Cool Community Church website?
6) Will the conference be live-streamed?
7) Will their be a conference podcast?
8) Who can I contact for more information or with other specific questions?
1) Who may attend the Small Places Pastors Conference?
We're not picky :-)
Anyone is welcome to attend the Small Places Pastors Conference.
The conference is especially designed for pastors and their wives who minister in "small places." A small place may be a demographically small place (such as Cool, CA which boasts a population of 2,500) or a small church in a big city.
2) What is included in the registration fee?
The registration fee includes all of the snacks that you can eat (think "Crumbl Cookie" level snacks), three top quality meals (Tri Tip for sure), and anything else we can convince a sponsor to throw in :-).
3) What kind of accommodations are available in the area?
The nearby city of Auburn, CA has several good hotels to stay in.
The Springhill Suites by Marriott is the newest hotel in the area. It is a 15 minute drive from the hotel to the church.
4) Why host a conference on a Wednesday?
For many pastors, Saturday is the one day we intentionally try to give to our families. We feel that hosting a conference on a Saturday is more than asking a pastor to give up his own time, it's asking his family to give him up on a day that is supposed to be for them. We decided to schedule the conference on a Wednesday to avoid asking pastors and their families to make that decision.
5) Why is the Small Places Pastors Conference website a part of the Cool Community Church website?
Like many of you, we pastor in small places as well. Through trial and error, we've learned how to build and edit our own website, so that's what we used to build the conference website :-).
6) Will the conference be live-streamed?
Yes, we will be live streaming the conference on the Cool Community Church facebook page.
7) Will their be a conference podcast?
Yes, we will add all of the conference audio to the Cool Community Church podcast. They will also be hosted on Cool Community Church's website.
8) Who can I contact for more information or with other specific questions?
You can email Drew Buell at or call the office at Cool Community Church at 530-885-4385 for more information.