Tyson Steward

I've had the blessing of growing up in Christian home, and my parents are first generation believers. From the age of 4 years old I attended church with my family. Growing up on the Georgetown Divide I attended a local church in Garden Valley. My parents gave me the gift of loving the body of Christ and faithfully attending church. From an early age I remember receiving Christ as my Lord and Savior. In 1995 I made a profession of faith and was baptized.

Two major events in my faith were first in my late teenage years I had a crises of belief where I was faced with really looking at my christian walk. It was at this point when I believe my faith became my own. The second was in my early 20's when I was introduced to the doctrines of grace. This transformed my understanding of God and scripture.

Overall, I have very fond memories of church; enjoying a full and rich relationships with Christ and fellow believers and this continues today at Cool Community Church.




